Social Emotional Learning & School Counseling » School Counseling & Social Work at APS

School Counseling & Social Work at APS

School-Based Mental Health Resources 

  • Harbor/ShortStop - inclusion programs at AHS for students with long-term and short-term mental health and medical issues. Contact Andrea Razi for more information.

  • Ottoson Bridge Program - provides clinical support, academic coordination, family support, and care coordination services to students who are reintegrating into a full schedule after missing extensive amounts of learning due to serious mental health, medical, and/or life transition challenges. The Ottoson Bridge Program is a short-term program with supports customized to each student’s needs that are culturally competent, clinically informed, and flexible. Program staff strive to coordinate resources within Ottoson Middle School and the wider community - and partner effectively with families to help each participating student reintegrate and finish the school year successfully.

As part of APS’s ongoing efforts to support our students’ social emotional well-being, the Arlington Public Schools have administered universal mental health screenings since 2020 in grades 3-12. Starting in SY 2024-2025, we are introducing a new way of collecting relevant social and emotional data. Using the Panorama platform, we will continue to collect mental health and well-being data to identify students who might benefit from additional supports. Starting in SY2024-2025, we will also be using the Panorama platform to collect social emotional competency data to help us better understand our students' social emotional skills, strengths, and needs. When the information gathered suggests that an individual student may benefit from additional support, their school counselor or social worker will follow-up with the students and connect with caregivers to share information regarding resources and supports that may be available. 
Survey questions can be previewed here: 

Resources for Families & Caregivers

  • Samaritans (of Boston) 24/7 Hotline: Call or text 1-877-870-HOPE (4673)
  • SafeLink is Massachusetts’ statewide 24/7 multilingual hot line and a resource for anyone affected by domestic violence. Call 877-785-2020.

  • Arlington EATS - Provides fresh produce, meat, dairy products, and a wide variety of pantry staples to any Arlington resident in need of food.

  • All Arlington Public School students have access to FREE breakfast and FREE lunches. Meals are available to ALL children regardless of income.

  • Neighbors Eating All Together (NEAT) - Free monthly community meals in Arlington.

  • Mystic Community Market - Offers free groceries, open to anyone. Address: Walnut Street Center, 291 Mystic Ave, Medford, MA. 617-629-5120.

  • Fresh Bucks SNAP match at the Farmer’s Market - Each week, SNAP card holders can come to the Arlington EATS booth at the farmers’ market and receive a match up to $15 in Fresh Bucks for any SNAP purchase made at the farmers’ market. Fresh Bucks may be used with most vendors. Farmer's Market Location: 29 Mystic Street Arlington, MA; Wednesdays 2pm-6:30pm, June - October.

  • For SNAP Application assistance, call Arlington Council on Aging (all ages) at 781-316-3400.

  • Project Bread's Food Source Hotline (toll-free and confidential): 1-800-645-8333

  • Assistance with applying for unemployment

  • Just a Start - Tuition-free training for quality science and technology careers. Fill out an inquiry form here or call/email: [email protected] or 617-918-7520.

    • For mediation and financial support, contact Elizabeth Winston, Housing and Mediation Services Director, at [email protected] or 617-918-7518 for more information.

  • MassHire Metro North Career Centers - Job search and training support. Call 617-661-7867 and leave a message or contact them through this link.

  • Homelessness Prevention Program through the Housing Corporation of Arlington -  assistance with rent, moving expenses, or security deposit for eligible households.

  • Massachusetts’s Eviction Legal Help is available statewide for both low-income tenants and owner-occupants.You can find legal help here.

  • Arlington Council on Aging - Offers numerous support services resources (e.g., questions about SNAP, heating assistance, housing, home care, caregiving, financial concerns, support groups), activities and events for those 60+. Please call 781-316-3400.

    • If you are an Arlington resident who is 60 or older and need additional support accessing local or statewide resources, please contact the Council on Aging Social Worker, Marci Shapiro-Ide at [email protected] or call 781-316-3419.

  • LIHEAP Fuel Assistance for eligible Arlington households can be applied for by contacting the Arlington Council on Aging regardless of age. Application opens October 1. Town of Arlington Heating Assistance Fund also offers help with heating costs after LIHEAP grant is spent. Contact Council on Aging 781-316-3400.

  • Salvation Army’s Emergency Assistance Program - A wide variety of assistance is offered to individuals and families in need and is available on an as-needed basis. Assistance can be for utilities, clothing, food, rent/mortgage, counseling and more. Call 617-547-3400 to schedule an appointment or visit their site here.

  • If you are an Arlington resident who is under the age of 60 and need additional support accessing local or statewide resources, please contact the town Community Resource Specialist, Denisa Burt: 781-316-3271, [email protected]. Contact in any language, translation services available.

  • Robbins & Fox Libraries - Get an e-card online instantly (no ID or proof of address required), and access free ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and more. They also offer social worker drop-in hours each month.

  • Lamplight Women's Literacy - Free English classes for students with low income. Day & evening class times. All levels. September through June. Classes are fun & teach English speaking, listening, reading, & writing skills. Register online here. Call 781-859-7922 or email [email protected]; Check Robbins & Fox Libraries for additional information on upcoming conversation groups and other English classes in town.