SEL for Adults
SEL for School Staff
SEL is just as important for adults as it is for students. APS strives to create teaching and learning environments that are conducive to promoting social and emotional competence for the adults in our schools, so that they can best support the SEL for their students.
Our interdisciplinary SEL/mental health district-wide team has worked hard to prioritize adult SEL throughout the district. Some examples of this include:
SEL at Home
The health and wellbeing of our caregivers are just as important. Supporting caregivers' own SEL and wellbeing is critical to supporting the SEL of their children. Below are some SEL resources for families.
Greater Good in Education SEL for adults - free activities to support the SEL of adults
CASEL's SEL Resources for parents and caregivers - English & Spanish
Confident Parents, Confident Kids - blog offering free tools and resources on parenting with SEL
Edutopia's parent’s resource guide to social and emotional learning (2015)